Tuesday, August 14, 2007

N.T. Wright quote

I'd love to take a gander at this guys library. Check out this guys writing set-up. He has like 3 book stands on his desk, holding book pages open for him. That tells you something there.

I'm finally getting around to reading an N.T. Wright book. All the big thinkers say he is good to read, so I'm reading Evil and the Justice of God for my doctoral project. It is a quick read, and here is a quote from something I read today:

"According to the early Christians, what was accomplished in Jesus' death and resurrection is the foundation, the model and the guarantee for God's ultimate purpose, which is to rid the world of evil altogether and to establish his new creation of justice, beauty and peace. And it's clear from the start that this was not intended simply as a distant goal for which one was compelled to wait in passive expectation. God's future had already broken into the present in Jesus, and the church's task consisted not least of implementing that achievement and thus anticipating that future. I have found in my own work over the last few years that this eschatological framing of the church's task is the most helpful way I know of understanding the challenges, possibilities and limits of what we are supposed to be doing here and now."

1 comment:

grateful talmid said...

Welcome to the world of Wright. I believe that you will find the scenery quite stimulating. He has drastically enhanced my understanding of the Bible, especially the gospels. I don't know if you are aware of the N.T. Wright Page. Check it out if you haven't already.

I've constantly read your blog, even though I'm about ready to chunk mine.

God has blessed you and Margo with a beautiful little man.